"Hmmm, two pasta recipes in a row?" you say. You must say that because you haven't been following every post and don't already know from the previous post that I accidentally-on-purpose bought too much tortellini at the store. While Carbonara is most often made with long, slender pasta like spaghetti, linguine, fettucine, etc.....well, I had to do something with that tortellini! I therefore give you use #2 for cheese tortellini you need to use up--Carbonara. Now don't get too wigged out by the fact that the sauce in this recipe is made from eggs that will appear to not be cooked. We don't judge based on looks around here, so I'll thank you to conform to that while using this recipe. The eggs are tempered , which essentially means that they are not raw, but sorta look that way still. I promise it is delicious. But if you need the reassurance, mentally, that you aren't eating raw eggs, I give you my solemn assurance. Now you ma...